Webview App Link out issues

Good morning,

I am experiencing difficulty after I publish an app using swift.

Website functions up to a point. However the external links from my Web platform do not function.

I am new to the Forum who can I ask more questions about this? Thank you.

Pardon any typos.

Reading your post it sounds like you have a native iOS app with an embedded web view. Is that right?

If so, what web view are you using (UIWebView, WKWebView, SFSafariViewController)?

Also, I’d like to clarify this:

However the external links from my Web platform do not function.

My best guess is that you have links on your web site and you’d like the act of tapping an such a link to redirect to your app. Is that right? If not, please explain more about your goals.

ps Your post is definitely off topic for the Swift Forums, where the focus is on the Swift language itself. Once I know more about your actual issue I should be able to redirect you to a more appropriate place.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ DTS @ Apple