Variadic Generics

Right - it couldn't be an opaque type, because opaque types are, well, opaque "non-names" for a single underlying type.

But I do think there is significant overlap between existentials (and especially collections of existentials) and variadic generics, and the language is currently not well-equipped to deal with either of them comfortably because we don't have a concept of introducing new generic type parameters in the middle of a function. That's why, in the previous thread, I suggested that adding this would be a good step towards variadic generics:

So I think it would be reasonable for the element type to be an existential, which the optimiser could then resolve during generic specialisation.

Also, I don't think it's true that the compiler always statically knows the number of elements. You can have unspecialised generic types today, and presumably variadic generic types may also be unspecialised in some circumstances.