Vapor client how encode String to json

    struct MyTest: Content {
        let hello: String
    app.get("test-send") { req -> EventLoopFuture<Response> in
        let info = MyTest.init(hello: "World")
        let infoData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(info)
        let infoString = String(data: infoData, encoding: .utf8)
        let inputJsonDic = ["hello": "world"]
        return"") { clientReq in
            // Value of type 'Dictionary<String, Any>' required for key ''. [request-id: 8236FDDD-B57C-4F86-8114-282A762E0B41]
            try clientReq.content.encode(infoString, as: .json)
            // can work
//            try clientReq.content.encode(inputJsonDic)
        .flatMap { json in
            return json.encodeResponse(for: req)
    }"test-receive") { req -> MyTest in
        let info = try req.content.decode(MyTest.self)
        return info

Make MyTest conform to Content then do

return"") { clientReq in
    try clientReq.content.encode(info)

I receive data from other services and am not sure about model properties.

How to solve this? After configuring .json, the Decode model cannot be correct. Is there any special treatment?

If you want to set the data directly you can set it on the request ByteBuffer body using one of NIO's convenience functions, or directly

This works, but I don’t know if their results are consistent.

        return"\(AppConfig.environment.backend_callbackUrl)") { clientReq in
//            // Encode query string to the request URL.
//            try clientReq.query.encode(["q": "test"])
            // Encode JSON to the request body.
//            try clientReq.content.encode(["hello": "world"])
            clientReq.headers.contentType = .json
            clientReq.body = .init(string: jsonString)
//            // Add auth header to the request
//            let auth = BasicAuthorization(username: "something", password: "somethingelse")
//            clientReq.headers.basicAuthorization = auth
//        .flatMapThrowing { clientRes in
//            try clientRes.content.decode(MyJSONResponse.self)
//        }
        .flatMap { json in
            return json.encodeResponse(for: req)

What do you mean you don't know if it's consistent?

try clientReq.content.encode(["hello": "world"])


clientReq.headers.contentType = .json
clientReq.body = .init(string: #"{"hello": "world"}"#)

Are they the same?

Honestly I'm not 100% sure - just try it and see