Sure! I actually slapped this together earlier as a gist, though I'll recreate the contents here in case the gist goes away:
import Foundation
public enum JSON : Codable {
case null
case number(NSNumber)
case string(String)
case array([JSON])
case dictionary([String : JSON])
public var value: Any? {
switch self {
case .null: return nil
case .number(let number): return number
case .string(let string): return string
case .array(let array): return { $0.value }
case .dictionary(let dictionary): return dictionary.mapValues { $0.value }
public init?(_ value: Any?) {
guard let value = value else {
self = .null
if let int = value as? Int {
self = .number(NSNumber(value: int))
} else if let double = value as? Double {
self = .number(NSNumber(value: double))
} else if let string = value as? String {
self = .string(string)
} else if let array = value as? [Any] {
var mapped = [JSON]()
for inner in array {
guard let inner = JSON(inner) else {
return nil
self = .array(mapped)
} else if let dictionary = value as? [String : Any] {
var mapped = [String : JSON]()
for (key, inner) in dictionary {
guard let inner = JSON(inner) else {
return nil
mapped[key] = inner
self = .dictionary(mapped)
} else {
return nil
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
guard !container.decodeNil() else {
self = .null
if let int = try container.decodeIfMatched(Int.self) {
self = .number(NSNumber(value: int))
} else if let double = try container.decodeIfMatched(Double.self) {
self = .number(NSNumber(value: double))
} else if let string = try container.decodeIfMatched(String.self) {
self = .string(string)
} else if let array = try container.decodeIfMatched([JSON].self) {
self = .array(array)
} else if let dictionary = try container.decodeIfMatched([String : JSON].self) {
self = .dictionary(dictionary)
} else {
throw DecodingError.typeMismatch(JSON.self, DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Unable to decode JSON as any of the possible types."))
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
switch self {
case .null: try container.encodeNil()
case .number(let number):
if number.objCType.pointee == 0x64 /* 'd' */ {
try container.encode(number.doubleValue)
} else {
try container.encode(number.intValue)
case .string(let string): try container.encode(string)
case .array(let array): try container.encode(array)
case .dictionary(let dictionary): try container.encode(dictionary)
fileprivate extension SingleValueDecodingContainer {
func decodeIfMatched<T : Decodable>(_ type: T.Type) throws -> T? {
do {
return try self.decode(T.self)
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch {
return nil
let json = """
"values": [
[1, null, "hi"],
{"hello": "world"}
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decoded = try decoder.decode(JSON.self, from: json)
Error handling here is minimal (and you'd need to expand the .number
case) but you can reasonably decode most JSON payloads this way.
You can also combine this with KeyedDecodingContainer.allKeys
on a decoding container keyed by CodingKeys
which can take on any string/integer value, and with that, iterate through all available keys in the decoding container. Any key you recognize you can decode; any key you don't can be decoded as JSON
and stored.
I can expand on this further if it helps.