Use just an enum to drive .sheet

Hey :wave:,
I am currently trying to refactor my .sheet related code so it will get more readable.
At the moment I'm using an enum and a separate state to drive the sheet like so:

// AppState
struct AppState: Equatable {
    enum Sheet: String, Identifiable {
        case one
        case two
        var id: String {
            return self.rawValue
    var sheet: Sheet?
    var one: One.State?
    var two: Two.State?
// Sheet Modifier
.sheet(item: viewStore.binding(get: \.sheet, send: AppAction.setSheet)) { item in
      Group {
          switch item {
              case .one:
                          state: \.one,
                          action: AppAction.oneViewAction
                      then: One.init(store:)
              case .two:
                          state: \.twoState,
                          action: AppAction.twoAction
                      then: Two.init(store:)
// Reducer 

        case let .setOne(state: oneState):
            state.oneState = oneState
            state.sheet = .one
            return .none
        case let .setTwoState(state: twoState):
            state.twoState = twoState
            state.item = .two
            return .none

        case let .setSheet(item):
            switch item {
                case .none:
                    state.sheet = nil
                    state.oneState = nil
                    state.twoState = nil
                    return .none
                case .one:
                    return Effect(value: AppAction.setOneState(state: .init()))
                case .two:
                    return Effect(value: AppAction.setTwoState(state: .init()))

This approach works like a charm but it has some downsides to it. You need to handle state and sheet with care and set them to the right values. Because state and presentation are independent and loosely coupled it feels really error prone. This does not seem to be the way that it's supposed to be implemented.

My Idea was to improve this by adding the state as an associated value to the enum that drives the sheet. This looks much nicer to me because using an enum like this, for sheets, is also the way I am used to do it when using plain SwiftUI.

Unfortunately I am not really sure how to get this running.
This is what I came up with

import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI

let mainReducer = Reducer<AppView.State, AppView.Action, AppView.Environment> { state, action, env in
    switch action {
        case let .setSheet(sheet):
            state.sheet = sheet
            return .none
            return .none

struct AppView: View {
    struct State: Equatable {
        enum Sheet: Equatable, Identifiable {
            case one(SheetOne.State)
            case two(SheetTwo.State)
            var id: Int {
                switch self {
                    case .one:
                        return 1
                    case .two:
                        return 2
        var sheet: Sheet?

    enum Action {
        case setSheet(AppView.State.Sheet?)
        // Navigation
        case sheetOneAction(SheetOne.Action)
        case sheetTwoAction(SheetTwo.Action)

    struct Environment {}
    let store: Store<AppView.State, AppView.Action>
    var body: some View {
        WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in
                .sheet(item: /** ???? **//) { sheet in
                    switch sheet {
                        case let .one(state):
                                    state: \,
                                    action: AppView.Action.sheetOneAction
                                then: /** ???? **/
                        case let .two(state):
                                    state: \AppView.State.Sheet.two,
                                    action: AppView.Action.sheetTwoAction
                                then: /** ???? **/

struct SheetOne: View {
    struct State: Equatable {}
    enum Action {}
    struct Environment {}
    let store: Store<SheetOne.State, SheetOne.Action>
    var body: some View {
        WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in

struct SheetTwo: View {
    struct State: Equatable {}
    enum Action {}
    struct Environment {}
    let store: Store<SheetTwo.State, SheetTwo.Action>
    var body: some View {
        WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in

Is it somehow possible to drive a .sheet using just an enum like this?