I didn't really understand exactly what @John_McCall meant above. I think he is saying that this is an expected use pattern:
// Is this an expected and acceptable use pattern?
private var continuation: AsyncStream<String>.Continuation?
lazy var outputStream = AsyncStream<String> { continuation in
self.continuation = continuation
private func pushValue() {
continuation?.yield("My String")
Afaict this works and doesn't appear to be broken in any way, but it feels a little strange to me. If this is "not the right way", please let me know
Also note that, in the example above, the stream is intended to always be "open", and so you never need to finish the continuation.
Edit: Nevermind, read through SE-0314 (Second review): AsyncStream and AsyncThrowingStream - #37 by yuriferretti, where it was confirmed that storing the continuation outside the closure is expected and fine.
Also found @taylorswift's other thread: `AsyncStream` constructor which also returns its Continuation
I agree that it is a rather awkward pattern, I would be in favor of either a constructor that returns the continuation too, or another primitive that is better suited for this scenario