Found the post in the old thread why I had the impression that there was some issue with rethrows
where it must remain untyped:
Honestly, I personally don‘t see any. It would be cool if we could replace the keyword as in a typed throws world it can be misleading, but that‘s not a priority to me.
Bikeshedding alarm, not necessarily something to include into the proposal unless it gains some traction:
// assuming E: Error and F: Error
() -> Void === () throws<Never> -> Void
() throws -> Void === () throws<Error> -> Void
() throws<E> -> Void
// replacing `rethrows` with `throws?`
// requires `try` if closure throws anything other than `Never`
// and just like above it would be a shorthand that throws `Error`
( () throws<E> -> Void ) throws? -> Void === ( () throws<E> -> Void ) throws?<Error> -> Void
// requires `try` if closure throws anything other than `Never`
// but it would throw a custom type `F`
( () throws<E> -> Void ) throws?<F> -> Void
// requires `try` if closure throws anything other than `Never`
// and the user has the impression that it just rethrows `E`
( () throws<E> -> Void ) throws?<E> -> Void
This makes the model simpler, at least from my point of view:
always requirestry
) only requirestry
if one closure parameter throws anything else thanNever
- error type rules and all shorthands would be consistent between both variants, hence
throws? == throws?<Error>
One more note. There is no way to control the conditional rethorwing mechanism to explicitly specify which closure parameter it should track if there are many.
More bike shedding:
Instead of throws?<...>
we'd add a configurable parameter throws<...>(...)
(() throws -> Void, () throws -> Void) throws<ErrorType>(.always)-> Void
// same as
(() throws -> Void, () throws -> Void) throws<ErrorType> -> Void
// tracks only first parameter
(() throws -> Void, () throws -> Void) throws<ErrorType>(.parameter(1)) -> Void
// tracks all, which means if one of them is throwable, the compiler will require `try`
(() throws -> Void, () throws -> Void) throws<ErrorType>(.all) -> Void
- Do we need this much control around
? - Has anyone ever wanted something like this already?
- Can we solve some existing problems with this?