The SILLocation::LocationKind enum and the ReturnKind case

Why aren't you just using SILBuilderWithLocation() ?

Where can I find SILBuilderWithLocation? The only reference I found is SILBuilder ergonomics for improved debug scope handling.

The synthesized code is related to a return statement?

The test case is:

func foo() -> Int32? {
  return 0

func getLogpLex() {
  if let _ = foo() {
    _ = Tensor<Float>(1.0)
  } else {
    // For the SILLocation associated with this return stmt/inst,
    // The LocationKind is ReturnKind.
    // When we synthesize host code to send case id #1 to the accelerator, make
    // sure the host inst will NOT use ReturnKind as the LocationKind.

public func b118507040() {
  _ = Tensor<Float>(1.0)

We first inline getLogpLex() into b118507040(), and then synthesize some code for b118507040(), at the location of the second return (the else body) of getLogpLex(). So after inlining, that SIL instruction is not a return inst any more, but its SILLocation::LocationKind is still set to ReturnKind.

I wonder if the inliner should change the LocationKind from ReturnKind to RegularKind in that case?