The Future Of [weak self] Rebinding

As @DevAndArtist said, there are multiple proposal being discussed here, I think three at the moment:

  • Allow rebinding self (this thread): which there is already a merged PR here, from @dduan (does that mean that the discussion is finished because the proposal has been accepted and merged?)
  • Unwrapping an optional without the need to repeat the name (unwrap keyword: if unwrap mySomeVariable {…}): there is no updated thread at the moment discussing this, as far as I know. Also, from the Swift evolution repo (here), this proposal seems to be among the "commonly proposed and rejected" ones:
  • The usage of [guard self] in closures returning Void, as syntactic sugar for substituting the commonly used piece of code [weak self] in guard let strongSelf = self else { return }. That has already an active discussion thread here.