Hmm. Something about braces inside expressions just feels wrong to me.
I also read switch? and if? as being some optional-related versions of
switch and if. And I don't love putting the condition /
value-to-switch-on *before
*the keyword, if we're going to use a keyword.
(Also: exhaustiveness checking *could *theoretically allow resolution of
ambiguity in nested switch expressions. We would just have to require that
as soon as you've exhausted all possibilities, you don't add more cases and
the expression is over.)
On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Paul Ossenbruggen <> wrote:
Yep probably does need braces: So for switch? if? suggestion i just made.
let myColor = yourColor switch? { .Blue : .Red, .Green: .Blue, .Red:
.Green, default: .Yellow }let myColor = yourColor switch? { case .Blue : .Red; case .Green: .Blue;
case .Red: .Green; default: .Yellow }let myColor = yourColor switch? {
case .Blue : .Reds
case .Green: .Blue
case .Red: .Green
default: .Yellow
}let myColor = yourColor switch? {
.Blue : .Reds
.Green: .Blue
.Red: .Green
default: .Yellow
}let myColor = condition if? { .Blue; .Red }
I don’t find that looks bad.
- Paul
On Dec 6, 2015, at 12:24 PM, Alex Lew via swift-evolution < >> wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, Matthew. It's sensible to me to consider dropping
the ternary operator. I like it because the analogy "C's if is to Swift's
if as C's ternary operator is to Swift's ternary operator" is (sort of)
satisfied. But it is also confusing, both for the reasons you mention, and
because ? has other meanings in Swift:// compiler error without space betw thatColor and ?
let thisColor = thatColor?
case .Red: .Green
default: .BlueOn the other hand, is it really worth it to have control flow expressions
if they don't let your code look nicer?let thisColor = switch thatColor {
case .Red:
return .Green;
return .Yellow;
}really isn't much nicer than
let thisColor: Color
switch thatColor {
case .Red:
thisColor = .Green
thisColor = .Yellow
}Maybe we could do a compromise, something like
let thisColor = switch thatColor
case .Red: .Green // must be an expression
default: .Yellow // must be an expressionOr we could introduce a new keyword? Like *match*:
let thisColor = match thatColor
case .Red: .Green // must be an expression
default: .Yellow // must be an expressionI sort of like the new-keyword approach, because even though this is
similar to a switch, it's not a switch: there's no fallthrough, you can't
put statements inside, etc.The problem with all these proposals:
let thisColor = match thatColor
case .Red: match thatOtherColor
case .Blue: .Green
case .Pink: .Yellow
default: .Orange
default: .Orangeis ambiguous. (Does case .Pink match thatColor or thatOtherColor? We can
know because of exhaustiveness checking, but this won't always work.) You
could solve this problem either by using parentheses around the whole
expression when necessarylet thisColor = match thatColor
case .Red: (match thatOtherColor
case .Blue: .Green
case .Pink: .Yellow
default: .Orange)
default: .Orangeor by adding curly braces in again
let thisColor = match thatColor {
case .Red: match thatOtherColor {
case .Blue: .Green
case .Pink: .Yellow
default: .Orange
default: .Orange
}But that starts to look like switch again. (Of course, the best way to
handle this is as a programmer is to just switch on the tuple (thatColor,
thatOtherColor), but the language should allow for nested control
expressions.)On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 2:48 PM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution < >> wrote:
I am not a fan of this approach based on the ternary operator. The
ternary operator is already a bit of an anomaly in that all other operators
are unary or binary and do not perform any control flow (beyond possibly
short circuiting an autoclosure argument).I would much rather features that perform control flow continue to use
keywords, but allow them to be expressions.Once we have control flow expressions I would like to see the ternary
operator removed from the language as it would no longer server a purpose.
Removing the ternary operator seems to fit nicely with the direction to
remove some features that are carried over from C-based languages but don’t
necessarily fit with the direction Swift is heading.On Dec 6, 2015, at 1:19 PM, Kevin Lundberg via swift-evolution < >>> wrote:
Ostensibly, case may not be necessary if you could delimit each case on
one line with something (perhaps a comma, or something else if that would
not fit well within the grammar):let thisColor = thatColor ? .Blue: .Red, .Green: .Blue, .Red: .Green,
default: .YellowOn Sun, Dec 6, 2015, at 01:57 PM, Paul Ossenbruggen via swift-evolution >> wrote:
I like this too, seems more powerful. Also, would single line
expressions be allowed? If not would case be required for example:let myFavoriteColor = yourFavoriteColor ?
case .Blue: .Red
case .Green: .Blue
case .Red: .Green
default: .YellowOn Dec 6, 2015, at 9:11 AM, Sean Heber via swift-evolution < >>> wrote:
I really like this train of thought. +1
SeanOn Dec 6, 2015, at 11:02 AM, Alex Lew via swift-evolution < >>> wrote:
What if we left the if { ...} else { ... } syntax alone (as a statement),
and updated the ternary expression to be a more general pattern matching
expression (closer to "switch")? Something likelet x = condition ?
true: "Hello"
false: "Goodbye"let x = optionalValue ?
.Some(let unwrapped): "Hello, \(unwrapped)"
.None: "To Whom It May Concern"let myFavoriteColor = yourFavoriteColor ?
.Blue: .Red
.Green: .Blue
.Red: .Greenlet quadrant = (x, y) ?
let (x, y) where x < 50 && y < 50: "top left"
let (x, y) where x < 50 && y > 50: "bottom left"
let (x, y) where x > 50 && y < 50: "top right"
default: "bottom right"The colon comes from the fact that this is sort of a light-weight
expression-based "switch" statement, where each branch can only contain an
expression, not a series of statements.This is very similar to pattern matching expressions in languages like
Haskell, ML, and Coq.On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Thorsten Seitz <> >> wrote:
Am 06.12.2015 um 01:28 schrieb Alex Lew via swift-evolution < >>>:
I don't think you can just get rid of the if statement in favor of an
expression. You still want to be able to do this:if (condition) {
} else {
}but that's not a valid expression (what is its type?).
That would actually be no problem if Swift’s type system would have union
types (Ceylon has union and intersection types which are quite awesome and
enable lots of nice things quite naturally, see
Eclipse Ceylon™ | that case the type of such an expression would just be the union of
both types, which is written Int | String in Ceylon.-Thorsten
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