SwiftPM - Binary target with sub-dependencies

First of all, @paulb777 @SDGGiesbrecht thanks for the help folks. Without your guidance & real world example, I wouldn't be able to find the right solution!

My manifest file for frameworkC that's dependent on frameworkA now looks like this:

  1. It lists the binary target both for frameworkC and frameworkA
  2. It declares additional (stub) target FrameworkCTargets, that has 2 target dependencies -> frameworkC and frameworkA
  3. Additionally, the stub target FrameworkCTargets declares the custom path towards dummy(empty) source file.
  4. NOTE: I had to commit an empty source file (.m or .swift) to FrameworkCTargets subfolder on my repo, for the target FrameworkCTargets to be properly processed when integrated to project X. Without commiting the dummy source file for the stub target to the repo with the manifest, the libSwiftPM just thrown an error about missing source files.
  5. Product frameworkC's only target is the FrameworkCTargets
// swift-tools-version:5.3
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
    name: "FrameworkC",
    platforms: [
    products: [
            name: "FrameworkC",
            targets: ["FrameworkCTargets"]
    targets: [
            name: "FrameworkC",
            url: "url-to-framework-c",
            checksum: "checksum"
            name: "FrameworkA",
            url: "url-to-framework-a",
            checksum: "checksum"
        .target(name: "FrameworkCTargets",
                dependencies: [
                    .target(name: "FrameworkA", condition: .when(platforms: .some([.iOS]))),
                    .target(name: "FrameworkC", condition: .when(platforms: .some([.iOS])))
                path: "FrameworkCTargets"
    swiftLanguageVersions: [.v5]

I hope this helps somebody else, too.

Furtherly, I believe, declaring binary subdepedencies in Package.swift could be done in a way more declarative/straightforward way by following the similar rules that are outlined for non-binary targets.
Should I use feedbackassistant to report this back to Apple team?