Things I'd like to see:
* On the Swift Evolution repository site, a wish list from core engineers, with a précis for each topic, a priority estimate, and contact information for the team (which can be none through "willing to mentor"). Using a central document is key. Placing requests on-list means they get lost within a day or two and cannot be updated in one place.
I expect/hope each of the topics listed in the email to turn into active threads of discussion. If you or others have questions about them, feel free to ask now. That said, major design work on them probably won’t kick off in earnest until Swift 3 is closer to being out the door.
* At the same time, I'd like to see regular posted updates on-list (announcement, or evolution) about the bigger picture goals: for example, neglected items that need some contributor love
Makes sense.
* A way to submit pitches for early design review intervention on a regular calendar, so pitches without legs get cut off early and mercifully, and traffic is reduced.
I’m not sure what you mean by this.
* A deferred proposals folder where people can place low-priority (for example, "sugar") items, to clear them from their heads, from the pull queue. Add in some structure for discussion, whether on a separate pipermail list, on github, or on-list using a well-specified tag that can be filtered out for those who need more on-topic bandwidth.
The core team discussed this and specifically does not want to do this. The proposal template will change year over year, as will the goals for the releases. There are plenty of places to post speculative ideas (blogs, personal github repos, etc). Hosting them as an official part of the swift project doesn’t seem productive unless they are blessed, filtered, or somehow endorsed.
* Swift-academy outreach for those of us who can code but fall somewhere between starter bugs and full contribution.
I’m also not sure what you mean by this, but it sounds interesting!
On Jul 29, 2016, at 4:26 PM, Erica Sadun <> wrote: