Swift Package Registry Service

Thanks for the links. This made me think what if we actually go ahead and use a per-user cache for holding package sources using llbuild2's new file-backed CAS implementation (we would also need a small caching layer to look up things in the CAS database but I believe @David_M_Bryson is already working on that). The idea would be that swiftpm will fetch the package sources directly into the CAS and read from it during the dependency resolution. We might end up fetching more versions than actually needed but they will be automatically de-duplicated and shared across all packages on the user's machine. And at the end of the resolution, the checkout too can be done from the CAS so there is no network operation needed there. In the future, we might be able to even skip creating checkouts of the sources as we would be able to directly read them from CAS during the build (provided llbuild2 + swiftpm-on-llbuild2 experiment works out).

That's an interesting idea but I think there are deeper problems with identity and name clashes that might be worth discussing separately. Some of us (cc @johannesweiss) once discussed introducing a reverse-domain identifier in the package manifest which is used as the identity. And that can also be used by the swift compiler to namespace the modules so you avoid module name clashes (+ you would have some way of disambiguating if needed). However, this is certainly not an easy task and requires a lot of work in the compiler.

I am starting to think that a per-user cache is a better approach and that also simplifies the spec. However, if we do end up using this approach I would expect that the server returns names and hashes of all package manifests present in the package. Using SHA-256 for content hashing makes sense.