Swift needs fixed-size array

Will the compiler ever optimise an UBP allocation on to the stack? For example, I’ve written plenty of code such as:

let ptr = UnsafeRawBufferPointer.allocate(count: 128)
defer { ptr.deallocate(count: 128) }

...when interfacing with C APIs. Which is basically the definition of a stack allocation. That would perhaps be the “swiftier” way to do it; to let the compiler determine how to allocate the memory based on what it knows about its expected lifetime.


On 17 Apr 2017, at 23:18, Michael Ilseman via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

This is the best approach that I’m aware of. It does bake in an ABI assumption that the tuple layout will be contiguous and strided/addressable. Monitor [SR-3726] Define layout algorithm for tuples · Issue #46311 · apple/swift · GitHub for changes here. Note that you can also a little more “pure” in a sense if you construct an UnsafeBufferPointer from your UnsafeRawPointer and operate on that. Currently, the compiler does not always elide the copy in the getter, see [SR-4581] Optimizer doesn't elide copy · Issue #47158 · apple/swift · GitHub