[swift-llvm] `archive/*` branches


I believe that the archive branches were created by @dexonsmith while he was working on identifying points where various branches were created and/or merged into one another, so that they could be translated into rules that generate the new GitHub - apple/llvm-project: The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. This fork is used to manage Apple’s stable releases of Clang as well as support the Swift project. (not yet created) monorepo (LLVM monorepo transition - #10 by Alex_L).

Which branch is best to use if I wanted to compile specific Swift version most compatible with a corresponding Xcode release?

Please use the specific release branch, e.g. swift-5.0-branch. These new archive branches are not meant to be used for anything but the generation of the new monorepo.

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