Swift-http-types and async-http-client

Is there a package for converting the request/response types from swift-http-types into the types from async-http-client?

async-http-client is based on NIO but is using its own request/response types (probably because the NIO types are more designed for streaming in NIO channels).
nio-extras provides some affordances for converting NIO types to/from swift-http-types.

If this doesn't exist, would it make sense to add to async-http-client? Or perhaps transition async-http-client to using swift-http-types in place of its current types?

I just independently stumbled upon this: HTTPClientRequest looks & feels like a value type but isn't · Issue #708 · swift-server/async-http-client · GitHub which seems to imply there are plans but a few wrinkles need to be ironed out first.