Swift Evolution Metadata Proposed Changes

On the details' screen of a proposal on Proposal Monitor I show previous related proposals and the history of discussions. To get this information I download the original markdown from the full proposal and extract the values from the header fields that currently aren't present in the JSON.

For my use case, it would be interesting to have these fields on the schema. So, I propose we add the following fields to each proposal:

  "id": String,
  "title": String,
  "previousProposalIDs": [String]?,
  "discussions": [ // A list of the related discussions in chronological order
      "title": String, // "Pitch", "Review", "Acceptance", ...
      "link": String

Alternatives considered for the first field:

  • We could name it previouslyRelatedProposalIDs
  • We could name it relatedProposalIDs and mention both the proposal A in the related proposals list of the proposal B and vice-versa, instead of having only the new proposals pointing at the older ones

Alternatives considered for the second field:

  • We could name it relatedDiscussions or discussionHistory
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