Swift-DocC plugin for SwiftPM

Semi-related question @ethankusters -

if we wanted to tweak up the docs to include 'internal' and 'private' content - the kind of thing you might want to do for internally focused App docs - would it be acceptable to add a CLI option to this plugin to allow that?

I dug into the packageManager.getSymbolGraph, found the relevant options - and it looks like it already includes the capability within those options to ask for private symbols to be generated (swift-package-manager/PackageManagerProxy.swift at 744d13afed80ae3d73631051d052217bce9b2f16 · apple/swift-package-manager · GitHub). I'm guessing by maybe ammending or updating the options from what's returned by target.defaultSymbolGraphOptions(in: context.package).

Do you think that would be an acceptable path to enable the "include private" functionality?

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