In Swift 5.5 we’re not fully enforcing the Sendable
checks, we will enable these in Swift 6 — see here for a detailed writeup:
You need @unchecked Sendable
to make something Sendable that the compiler doesn't see as obviously true.
From the post @ktoso linked to, you want to use the -warn-concurrency
compiler option to get the behavior you're looking for.
A few comments from an afternoon of converting code over:
(or at leastTaskGroup<Void>
) could use await()
function that waits for all elements in the group rather than immediately cancelling. -
The lack of
functions for things likewithUnsafePointer
, andSequence
operations currently is a real pain point. I would say that pretty much everyrethrows
function in the standard library or Foundation should also bereasync
. -
As far as I'm aware, we don't have a good solution for making
versions of protocols.
For example, ideally there'd be anAsyncDecodable
protocol, which carries the same requirements asDecodable
except with anasync
signature (i.e.init(from decoder: Decoder) async throws
). I wonder if that's a common enough need (a variant of an existing protocol whose methods and closure parameters areasync
when called from anasync
context) that it deserves special treatment; e.g.async Codable
could be a distinct subtype ofCodable
. I'm not sure how that would scale in terms of code size – from my limited understanding, doubling the number of protocol conformances for each app seems a heavy price to pay. -
As a possible alternative solution for the
protocol issue, it would be very useful to have an escape hatch for async
function to turn into anasync
function. I realise that this means there could either be suspension points in non-await
ed code or blocking/potentially deadlocked code; however, given we don't have the ability to make all the protocols or closure-taking functions in all the external libraries that we useasync
there's sometimes no other real option. Hacking around this with aDispatchGroup.wait()
doesn't seem ideal, so if a more efficient option is implementable in the runtime then it would be great to add. -
Now that
async get
s are allowed, it would be nice to support staticlet
s which are assigned with the result of anasync
expression. -
If it's not already,
should be@Sendable
. An earlier build rejectedVoid
as e.g. aTaskGroup
result type, but I'm not sure if the reason it's allowed now is because checking has been relaxed for Swift 5.5 or because the@Sendable
conformance has been added. -
Probably just a bug, but
@unchecked Sendable
doesn't currently work; you have to useUnsafeSendable
If you exit the task group without throwing, it should await pending child tasks without cancellation.
Okay, cool, that makes sense – I probably just got mixed up with the proposed rules for async let
and didn’t properly test.
I’m confused. Can’t you just call synchronous functions inside async {}
to do that?
I think that only works if you don't need whatever inside the async
block to complete before the sync
function returns.
I’m using an actor right now primarily for isolation, so none of methods are actually async
at all. This makes it really easy to reason about thread safety (no reentrancy), while still providing a nice async interface to make it easier to reason about what code is running in what context, and where the potential suspension points are.
The feedback I have is that because the public API is async in practice, it feels logical to me that a synchronous actor method should be able to fulfill an asynchronous protocol requirement. The way I’m imagining this working is that if you’re ever interacting with a dynamic instance that’s not know to be self
, or is erased by the protocol type, you’re forced to call the method asynchronously. But the normal synchronous dispatch still works the same way it does today.
What do you think about this as a potential enhancement? Or is the lack of this just a gap in the current implementation? It feels similar to how non-throwing methods can fulfill throwing protocol requirements.
I just noticed there's no way to create a continuation with a concrete Error
type, only Never
or Error
. Is there time for an amendment to that proposal to add those APIs?
This was not overlooked during review; apparently, it is the intended design, and the possibility of creating a continuation with a concrete Error
type is merely future-proofing "in case" we get typed errors.
The feedback I have is that because the public API is async in practice, it feels logical to me that a synchronous actor method should be able to fulfill an asynchronous protocol requirement.
This should already be the case:
Note that an actor can satisfy [an] asynchronous requirement with a synchronous one, in which case the normal notion of asynchronously accessing a synchronous declaration on an actor applies. For example:
protocol Server { func send<Message: MessageType>(message: Message) async throws -> Message.Reply } actor MyServer : Server { func send<Message: MessageType>(message: Message) throws -> Message.Reply { ... } // okay, asynchronously accessed from clients of the protocol }
Thanks! It appears not to be the case yet, here's an example compiler error:
SyncActor/SyncActor/Repository.swift:15:8: error: actor-isolated instance method 'clone(from:)' cannot be used to satisfy a protocol requirement
func clone(from url: URL) throws {}
SyncActor/SyncActor/Repository.swift:15:8: note: add '@asyncHandler' to function 'clone(from:)' to create an implicit asynchronous context
func clone(from url: URL) throws {}
SyncActor/SyncActor/Repository.swift:15:8: note: add 'nonisolated' to 'clone(from:)' to make this instance method not isolated to the actor
func clone(from url: URL) throws {}
Adding @asyncHandler
as the fix-it suggests results in the error "'asyncHandler' attribute is only valid when experimental concurrency is enabled". I'll file a bug about it in any case.
Background info: I am trying to make a (core data inspired) data model that leverages the type system as much as possible together with features like resultBuilder.
0302-concurrent-value-and-concurrent-closures says that (literal) key paths are ok if the underlying types are sendable. Yet every kind of key path I try gives the same error:
Stored property '...path' of 'Sendable'-conforming generic struct 'AttributeDescription' has non-sendable type ...
I tried to make the AttributeDescription @unchecked Sendable
just for the time being but that gives Unknown attribute 'unchecked'
According to swift-evolution the proposal is accepted but not listed as implemented in Swift 5.5.
However this post does list this proposal and Sendable works in other circumstances.
Is KeyPath special is some way or more likely what did I miss?
Running beta 2 of both Xcode and Monterey with these compiler flags -Xfrontend -enable-experimental-concurrency -warn-concurrency
protocol Entity : Sendable
protocol Attribute : Sendable
struct AttributeDescription<E,A> : Sendable where E:Entity, A:Attribute
let path: KeyPath<E,A> //preferred
let paritalPath: PartialKeyPath<E> //half way there
let anyPath: AnyKeyPath //if need be
let literalPath = \ // not even this ???
extension String : Attribute
struct Person : Entity
let name: String
The new concurrency features/api is great.
One thing I still find confusing is the structured concurrency api. It would be great if someone would show some real world examples using this api.
I think I love the structured concurrency and I've been having a good play (and have largely converted a personal app over already). That said in some experimentation I'm being stymied and I'm not sure if it is understanding (possibly documentation) gaps or bugs in current implementation.
I've been experimenting with creating my own simple AsyncSequences in ways that actually cut across a lot of the structured concurrency features. I know AsyncStream should make this simpler but I wanted to implement manually to see how it really worked (and I also couldn't find AsyncStream so maybe it isn't available yet).
[Edit: I think I've found the issue, something frequently goes wrong when an continuation is resumed from an actor context. I think I have a solution where the actor manages the continuation but returns it to be called from outside the actor instead of calling it directly itself. Raised as: SR-14875]
I think in particular I'm not seeing the reentrancy behaviour I expect. For example this doesn't work (or at least works only occasionally - maybe I'm missing something obvious):
@available(macOS 12.0, iOS 15.0, *)
public struct AsyncTimerActorSequence : AsyncSequence {
public typealias AsyncIterator = Iterator
public typealias Element = Void
let interval: TimeInterval
public init(interval: TimeInterval) {
self.interval = interval
public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator {
let itr = Iterator()
Task {
await itr.start(interval: interval)
return itr
public actor Iterator : AsyncIteratorProtocol {
private var timer: Timer?
private var continuation: CheckedContinuation<(), Never>?
fileprivate init() {}
fileprivate func start(interval: TimeInterval) {
let t = Timer(fire: .now, interval: interval, repeats: true) { [weak self] _ in
guard let s = self else { return }
Task.detached {
await s.fireContinuation()
timer = t
RunLoop.main.add(t, forMode: .default)
private func fireContinuation() {
continuation = nil
public func next() async throws -> ()? {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
self.continuation = continuation
return ()
deinit {
When I use a class instead it seems to work well although I worry about races setting and firing the continuation which is why I leant on the actor. I thought the reentrancy at suspension points meant this would work.
It might be that there is some information that I'm so far missing, possibly in relation to limitations of reentrancy in Actors or the interaction between Actors and continuations.
"AsyncTimerSequence (class based iterator - works but I worry about races setting/getting/clearing continuation
@available(macOS 12.0, iOS 15.0, *)
public struct AsyncTimerSequence : AsyncSequence {
public typealias AsyncIterator = Iterator
public typealias Element = Void
let interval: TimeInterval
public init(interval: TimeInterval) {
self.interval = interval
public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator {
Iterator(interval: interval)
public final class Iterator : AsyncIteratorProtocol {
private var timer: Timer?
private var continuation: CheckedContinuation<(), Never>?
init(interval: TimeInterval) {
let t = Timer(fire: .now, interval: interval, repeats: true) { [weak self] _ in
if let continuation = self?.continuation {
// I worry about a race condition here but I think it is safe if we don't resume the continuation until it has been cleared.
self?.continuation = nil
timer = t
RunLoop.main.add(t, forMode: .default)
public func next() async throws -> ()? {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
self.continuation = continuation
deinit {
Note that these versions are only robust to the situation where next() is not called multiple times concurrently (I have a version with an array as a queue - need to look up the state of dequeue) but I don't think I've seen anything in the documentation disallowing concurrent calls to next(). I think it is easy to write sequences which don't handle that properly and it may be a source of bugs. Clearly in the normal for try await let foo in sequence {
you won't get concurrent calls but if people start unrolling or async let
ing a number of items I can see it happening.
An additional albeit temporary complication is differences between builds currently available as the features and syntax evolves and also various compiler flags that affect the concurrency behaviour. Are the 5.5 snapshots the right ones to be using or should I be using the trunk snapshots or whichever happens to be the newest build on a given day? Is there a good way to track what the changes are between snapshots or compared with Xcode releases?
It would be nice, if Task.sleep
would also accept a non-negative TimeIntervall
. Personally, nanoseconds in UInt64 are hard to read.
let duration: TimeIntervall = 2.0
await Task.sleep(duration)
// vs
await Task.sleep(2 * 1_000_000_000) // Two seconds
Or, with this extension functions:
private extension TimeInterval {
var seconds: TimeInterval {
var minutes: TimeInterval {
seconds * 60
var hours: TimeInterval {
minutes * 60
var days: TimeInterval {
hours * 24
private extension Int {
var seconds: TimeInterval {
var minutes: TimeInterval {
seconds * 60.0
var hours: TimeInterval {
minutes * 60.0
var days: TimeInterval {
hours * 24.0
await Task.sleep(2.seconds)
In Kotlin, a similar function exists
// with
suspend fun delay(duration: Duration)
val Int.seconds get() = Duration.seconds(this)
Thanks for the feedback, we aimed to provide such nice “duration” based api but had to defer it out of this release because we want to holistically address the general topic of time and deadline APIs together. Hope we’ll get back to it soon enough Once we have a duration and deadline types we can offer a new sleep that would take such arguments
(Also note that days are not uniform lengths, typically they range from 23 to 25 hours long. From past experience, designing duration related APIs that correctly traffic in days is nontrivial and produces results that surprise users of the API)
Quick question: If Actor types do not support inheritance
, then why is final actor