[Swift CI] Build Still Failing: 0. OSS - Swift Incremental RA - Ubuntu 14.04 (master) #489

This crasher is still failing to crash on Ubuntu 14.04 (crashes as expected on 16). I can’t imagine why the test would behave differently with the same target triple (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu). Does anyone know how to REQUIRES: some-host? If not, I can lump this into deterministic-behavior.


On Jan 9, 2017, at 5:31 AM, no-reply@swift.org wrote:

New issue found!

[FAILURE] oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-14_04 [#489]

Build URL: https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-14_04/489/
Project: oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-14_04
Date of build: Mon, 09 Jan 2017 04:59:29 -0800
Build duration: 31 min
Identified problems:

Compile Error: This build failed because of a compile error. Below is a list of all errors in the build log:
Indication 1 <https://ci.swift.org//job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-14_04/489/consoleFull#-139138235ee1a197b-acac-4b17-83cf-a53b95139a76&gt;
Regression test failed: This build failed because a regression test in the test suite FAILed. Below is a list of all errors:
Indication 1 <https://ci.swift.org//job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-14_04/489/consoleFull#587494457fca400bf-2f4a-462e-b517-e058d770b2d7&gt;

Commit ed36d8f7e5d35b079f2bac3baf0e1818d44c8d32 by practicalswift:
[swiftc (53 vs. 5396)] Add crasher in swift::TupleType::get

add: validation-test/compiler_crashers/28637-swift-tupletype-get-llvm-arrayref-swift-tupletypeelt-swift-astcontext-const.swift