[Swift CI] Build Failure: OSS - Swift Package - Ubuntu 16.04 (release/5.4) #103

# [FAILURE] oss-swift-5.4-package-linux-ubuntu-16_04 [#103]

Build URL: https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-swift-5.4-package-linux-ubuntu-16_04/103/
Project: oss-swift-5.4-package-linux-ubuntu-16_04
Date of build: Tue, 19 Jan 2021 14:10:42 -0600
Build duration: 2 hr 14 min

Identified problems:- Compile Error: This build failed because of a compile error. Below is a list of all errors in the build log:

Changes- Commit bc7961701fd94104528b017e969f63ea40bdb22b by github:

[5.4] add configuration to limit size of sqlite (#181)

  • edit: CODEOWNERS

  • edit: Sources/TSCUtility/SQLite.swift

  • edit: Tests/TSCUtilityTests/SQLiteTests.swift

  • Commit e1f0c1548e78dea78dba27557d486fb5b60c3312 by github:

    [5.4] Fix package tool unit tests that assumed that .currentVersion meant .v5_3 (#3197)

    • edit: Tests/CommandsTests/PackageToolTests.swift
  • Commit 26653793f0bc1e16a371ae345053dcb6ae20fe5e by github:

    Switch related-dependencies-branch to 5.4 (#3183)

    • edit: Package.swift