[Swift CI] Build Failure: 0. OSS - Swift Incremental RA - Ubuntu 15.10 (master) #5957

Pushed a fix for the swift-corelibs-foundation failure


On Jun 24, 2016, at 12:23 PM, no-reply@swift.org wrote:

[FAILURE] oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-15_10 [#5957]

Build URL: https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-15_10/5957/
Project: oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-15_10
Date of build: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 12:18:16 -0700
Build duration: 4 min 53 sec
Identified problems:

Compile Error: This build failed because of a compile error. Below is a list of all errors in the build log:
Indication 1 <https://ci.swift.org//job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-15_10/5957/consoleFull#206642588ee1a197b-acac-4b17-83cf-a53b95139a76&gt;

Name: Swift
Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 8026 test(s), Total: 8026 test(s)
Name: Swift-Unit
Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 292 test(s), Total: 292 test(s)


Commit 16f49dba63af69244d79104422b9f4bbe159785a by fs.output:
[gardening] Disambiguate the meaning of Expr::getEndLoc() in the doc

edit: include/swift/AST/Expr.h

Commit 270dccd568cb90bafc4a4474c8160ed2955f3935 by phausler:
JSON tests are too complex for the type system to keep up, this test

edit: TestFoundation/TestNSJSONSerialization.swift

Commit d780326ea783cdbc893a43b7b3052d071398d609 by phausler:
@availability flags for versions do not make sense in

edit: Foundation/String.swift
edit: Foundation/DateComponents.swift

Commit 5ec39c3fc25efab0a2e3184d27ee32fa54e2a61e by phausler:
Add an initial placeholder implementation for Unit/Measurement

add: Foundation/NSMeasurementFormatter.swift
add: Foundation/NSMeasurement.swift
edit: Foundation.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
add: Foundation/Unit.swift
add: Foundation/Measurement.swift
edit: build.py

Commit 4cc2794d402565e40203d1a550c56466bd225df8 by phausler:
Workaround for SR-1897

edit: TestFoundation/TestNSJSONSerialization.swift

Commit 4a97e408504427915b2552221c3ac3e99345f40d by phausler:
update plutil to the latest changes in swift-corelibs-foundation

edit: Tools/plutil/main.swift