[Swift CI] Build Failure: 0. OSS - Swift Incremental RA - Ubuntu 14.04 (master) #613

I have reverted f7836ae0c86726723bb11c7cb7f7ab04a57294c9 using PR Revert "Merge pull request #6807 from alblue/SR-1676" by alblue · Pull Request #6852 · apple/swift · GitHub


On Jan 17, 2017, at 12:12 AM, no-reply@swift.org wrote:

[FAILURE] oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-14_04 [#613]

Build URL: https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-14_04/613/
Project: oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-14_04
Date of build: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 23:52:23 -0800
Build duration: 20 min
Identified problems:

  • Compile Error: This build failed because of a compile error. Below is a list of all errors in the build log:
    • Indication 1


  • Commit f7836ae0c86726723bb11c7cb7f7ab04a57294c9 by alblue:
Enable sourcekitd to be built by default on Linux

    • edit: tools/SourceKit/CMakeLists.txt
    • edit: CMakeLists.txt

  • Commit aa0cfa33af7363d559b472a005f6748e8c0648e1 by kevin:
Better default domain for CustomNSError

    • edit: test/stdlib/ErrorBridged.swift
    • edit: stdlib/public/SDK/Foundation/NSError.swift