[Swift CI] Build Failure: 0. OSS - LLDB Incremental - Ubuntu 14.04 (master) #4276

Still the wrong Alex:

— Alex


On 6 Jul 2016, at 14:12, no-reply@swift.org wrote:

[FAILURE] oss-lldb-incremental-linux-ubuntu-14_04 [#4276]

Build URL: https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-lldb-incremental-linux-ubuntu-14_04/4276/
Project: oss-lldb-incremental-linux-ubuntu-14_04
Date of build: Wed, 06 Jul 2016 05:43:23 -0700
Build duration: 28 min
Identified problems:

  • Regression test failed: This build failed because a regression test in the test suite FAILed. Below is a list of all errors:
    • Indication 1


  • Commit b956dcd5adc700c46c4382f782efcea987150776 by alex:
[SR-1752] Fix warning about unused result if return type is Void?

    • edit: test/Constraints/diagnostics.swift
    • edit: lib/Sema/TypeCheckStmt.cpp
    • edit: test/Parse/try.swift