Supporting SwiftSyntax on more targets

Hey all, after some discussions we believe it will be beneficial to split SwiftSyntax in a separate repo out of the core swift one. Specifically:

  • The scripts that specify the nodes will stay in the swift repo and will be used to generate the C++ part of libSyntax
  • The swift-syntax repo will contain the handwritten swift code and depend on the swift repo's scripts for generating the code-generated SwiftSyntax files. Main development for SwiftSyntax will happen on this repo, unless you need to modify the nodes or the C++ gyb files
  • The swift-syntax repo will also contain tags that will include the code-generated swift files so that a SwiftPM package can point to it and be able to build SwiftSyntax without the swift repo being present

We'll post more details in the forums once they are available.