Support for Device Frames

Thinking about this some more. I'm leaning towards this as the preferred syntax among what's currently available. Like you pointed out there's a really strong precedent for this from Tutorials and I'm not convinced that device framing is special enough that it should deviate from this convention.

It's true that this convention is new to DocC articles but it's frequent in Tutorial content.

From what I understand from the pitch device frames would be supported in both articles and in tutorials. I don't think it's a good idea to have different syntax for directives in articles and tutorials and I don't think the device frame is special enough that it should deviate from the established patterns for tutorial content.

We may want to have a broader conversation about directive syntax in articles but I think that should be its own dedicated topic, outside the scope of a pitch for a specific directive addition.

Tutorial directives, and in particular children that influence parents, are possibly my biggest syntax regret FWIW :upside_down_face: