Super if switch

Interesting viewpoints ...

Yes, temporary variables are sometimes handy stopgap solutions.

I don't want exhaustiveness behaviour (why?!)

I was hoping that you would reveal the answer. Just a guess,
does it have anything to do with difficulties for an IDE to handle
exhaustiveness with respect to integer ranges?

P.S. I have managed to eliminate the refStr, so my current
implementation doesn't rely on string comparisons any longer.
I therefore expect it to be considerably faster now. It still
isn't thread-safe, and it cannot handle optionals yet.

However, I don't feel a strong demand for these ideas,
so I'll keep the code to myself.

Two things I forgot to mention:

  1. An alternative approach could be to let the arguments, that surround
    a dot, swap places.

  2. In a hardcoded version, a space would be required after -->, to allow
    the inclusion of a prefix operator.

if condition • false { print("false")
} else if --> !false { print("true")

Also I should add that having a global reference precludes nested
switching in super if statements. A hardcoded implementation wouldn't
have this limitation.