Streaming multiple payloads through a response

I'll try setting the count to 0, but my attempts to manually set the Transfer-Encoding were unsuccessful, as all content still came back as a single blob to the client. If I want to replicate a log stream that sends a bit of content over time, can I just schedule write calls to the stream writer on the EventLoop? I've tried this but it didn't work, but perhaps the body size is the issue:

let response = Response(body: .init(stream: { writer in
    let start = writer.write(.buffer(buffer))
    var next = start
    for _ in 0..<count {
        next = next.flatMap {
            request.eventLoop.scheduleTask(in: .milliseconds(500)) {
                _ = writer.write(.buffer(buffer))
    next.flatMap { writer.write(.end) }
}, count: buffer.readableBytes * count))