@State of optional: type spelling Optional<Int> is not the same as Int?

Oh wow! Double assignments and a third different outcome with the same code of optional variables . So you have both a and b using both optional spellings.

If you comment out b, now a is nil instead of getting value assigned in init!

struct FooFooFoo: View {
    @State var a: Int?
    @State var b: Optional<Int>     // 1. try comment this out
    init() {
        a = 1234
        b = 4444                    // 2. comment this out
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("a = \(a ?? -1)")
            Text("b = \(b ?? -1)")  // 3. comment this out

So the exact same code behave differently depend on whether you have another optional variable is present or not!

Edit: see the conclusion to as why this is so: SwiftUI @State PW exact same code different result if another optional is added!? :=( - #9 by young