'Standard' vapor website drops 1.5% of requests, even at concurrency of 100!

ulimit -n gives 256 on my computer, and I indeed see hitting that limit in the UI macOS app (correctly fails with "Fatal error: failed to open 252th file", see below)... Although this doesn't happen in the console app! Why?!

The test code:

func test() {
    let files = (0 ..< 1000).map { i in
        let path = URL.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString)
        let file = open(path.path, O_CREAT)
        if file < 0 {
            fatalError("failed to open \(i)th file")
        return file
    print("opened \(files.count) files")
test() // or call it from, say, ContentView's init of the UI app.
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