Stability of Swift on Windows?

i am using async. the very few things i am working on that do not use async still use swift-atomics, and i have not been able to get either of those two things working on Windows.

(for those keeping score, swift-nio depends on swift-atomics, so no atomics means no networking either!)

i don’t mean to distract from the very valuable efforts to get Windows CI working for swift projects. in particular Fix JSONMessageStreamingParser error message formatting by tristanlabelle · Pull Request #398 · apple/swift-tools-support-core · GitHub is very encouraging to me as i have seen that exact CI failure many times. i hope that PR gets merged soon.

i just mean this as a reminder that there needs to be proportional effort from the swift project leadership towards supporting concurrency and atomics on Windows, because fixing the CI problems will have limited impact until concurrency and atomics become available as well.