SPM CoreLocation for Linux

Hi there,

I'm currently trying to port a current xcode project (iOS based) to a swift project that will be both compiled on linux (it will eventually end up on an AWS Lambda) and imported into a different xcode project.

In the Xcode project, I'm currently using CLLocation. In the xcode project, it will be finding the location using CLLocationManager, though obviously on a lambda it couldn't do that. However, I still want to be able to process CLLocations.

Is there a way to import CLLocation to be built on Linux? I suppose a work-around would be to just send the lat/long as a tuple, but I'd like to avoid refactoring all that code if I can.


CoreLocation is an Apple framework, it is not open source. If you need a common type between platforms you'll need to define it yourself, or use a dependency that does so.

Okay, that makes sense.
I'm assuming the same with MapKit?

Yes. It's generally true of all Apple frameworks except Foundation (and parts of CoreFoundation).