yes, we are 100% aware of this issue and filtering is going to be a key focus of the next Unidoc release after 0.8.
we can and should be filtering underscored symbols from members lists, this effort has simply been a victim of frontend bikeshedding at our org (“how are we going to make this look different from the deprecated symbol styling?”) and i’m personally going to see that this is prioritized moving forward.
removing them from the sidebar is a little bit more nuanced, since we probably still want to preserve a way to access them without combing through individual pages. the sidebar is not dynamic enough to support “checkbox filters” right now. that’s a limitation of the sidebar. a checkbox filter would be a great feature.
is problematic for reasons we’ve discussed offline, but to summarize for others:
lib/SymbolGraphGen has no awareness of
other than knowing if at least one attribute is present. so we can only treat these symbols as belonging to an imaginary__combined__
SPI. -
imo, this is an issue in SymbolGraphGen, and it needs to be fixed eventually in SymbolGraphGen.
Unidoc/Swiftinit has an ABI, and we did not want to bake the concept of a “
” SPI into the symbol graph ABI since that would conflict with the real SPIs if/when we ever gain access to that information.
those were a plausible enough excuse to kick the @_spi
can down the road in the past, but i am slowly coming to accept that lib/SymbolGraphGen is unmaintained today, and i think it is reasonable for us to address the issue at the documentation compiler level.