I agree with everything Brent just said.
My question would then be: how does this extend?
Continuing the example:
'typealias ViewControllerTableViewDataSource = all<UIViewController,
It should then be possible to have a subtype of this which also conforms to
So, given the above, this would work:
'typealias ViewControllerTableViewPackage = all<UIViewController,
UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>'.
Would this also work?
'typealias ViewControllerTableViewPackage =
all<ViewControllerTableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>'
Assuming someone defined this typealias: 'typealias TableViewPackage =
protocol<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>', would the above also
be equivalent to this?:
'typealias ViewControllerTableViewPackage = all<UIViewController,
The TableViewPackage protocol, defined above, is considered by Swift to be
a 'non-nominal type'. Thus this is illegal:
'extension TableViewPackage'
(I don't know why. Perhaps a type conforming to the separate protocols has
to opt-in to the combination?)
However, we can have the following:
'extension UITableViewDelegate where Self : UITableViewDataSource'
'extension UITableViewDelegate where Self : UIViewController'
'extension UITableViewDelegate where Self : UIViewController, Self :
Similarly we can't currently have this:
'extension UIViewController where Self : UITableViewDataSource,
because UIViewController is not a generic type (and this is part of the
original complaint).
It would be nice to be able to write this out as: 'extension
all<UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>', even if
it's just syntactic sugar for 'extension UITableViewDelegate where Self :
UIViewController, Self : UITableViewDataSource'.
-- Ross
On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Maximilian Hünenberger < swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
In the thread "Partially constrained protocols" we have discussed a
similar approach using where clauses:
protocol<MyProtocol where Self: UIViewController>
- Maximilian
Am 10.02.2016 um 14:00 schrieb Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org>:
>> So, I definitely think there is room for improvement here… how about
recycling the inheritance syntax?
>> let controller: (UIViewController, UITableViewDatasource)
> This declares a tuple containing a UIViewController and a
>> I added the braces because it would be really when you add the question
mark for an optional value; an alternative for this case would be
>> let controller: Optional<UIViewController, UITableViewDatasource>
> This attempts to declare an optional with two generic types, which
doesn't work because Optional only has one type parameter. (But other
types, like Dictionary, *do* take two type parameters.)
> Swift does already have a syntax for declaring that a type must conform
to two (or more!) protocols:
> let controller: protocol<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>
> I think this could probably be extended to support one class type as
well, perhaps with a new name:
> let controller: all<UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource>
> --
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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