Singly and Doubly Linked List collections in standard library

I have given a thought to intrusive lists and I have come up with these protocols.

public protocol Node where Alternate == Self {
    associatedtype Alternate


    func makeCopy() -> Self

    func pinReference()
    func unpinReference()

public protocol ForwardNode: Node {
    var next: Alternate? { get set }

public protocol DualNode: ForwardNode {
    var previous: Alternate? { get set }

init() is needed to make the empty head node.
makeCopy() is required to implement copy-on-write.
pinReference() would be called when a node is added into a collection.
unpinReference() would be called when a node is removed from a collection.

The implementation of a managed forward node would be following.

final class UnsafeForwardNode<Element> {
    var element: Element!
    var next: ManagedForwardNode<Element>?

    init(_ element: Element! = nil) {
        self.element = element

public struct ManagedForwardNode<Element>: ForwardNode {
    public typealias Alternate = ManagedForwardNode<Element>

    unowned(unsafe) let instance: UnsafeForwardNode<Element>

    public init() {
        instance = UnsafeForwardNode<Element>()

    public init(_ element: Element) {
        self.element = element

    private init(_ instance: UnsafeForwardNode<Element>) {
        self.instance = instance

    public var next: ManagedForwardNode<Element>? {
        get {
        set {
   = newValue

    public var element: Element! {
        get {
            return instance.element
        set {
            instance.element = newValue

    public func makeCopy() -> ManagedForwardNode<Element> {
        let copy = ManagedForwardNode<Element>()
        copy.instance.element = self.instance.element =

        return copy

    public func pinReference() {
        let _ = Unmanaged.passRetained(instance)

    public func unpinReference() {

This way a collection could be built where nodes are directly used. I'll be coming up with a reference implementation.