SIL instructions for variadic generics

Yeah, we understand that we’ll want some sort of sum type — at the very least, something like a key path — to pair with value packs. Even just focusing on value packs (which are products), the sum/product duality keeps requiring sums; for example, the index type of a variadic collection of collections involves a sum of the component index types.

That should be mostly design work and won’t really require deep implementation effort, I expect. Type packs are naturally agnostic about how they’re used; what makes value packs products is that a type pack is expanded in a product context, like a parameter list or a tuple element. But at an implementation level we have to be able to pull out individual elements just to implement those product operations, and that’s the basic thing we’d need to support sums.

Anyway, yeah, this isn’t the right thread for this. I started this thread to discuss the SIL design, and I’ve been updating it for the benefit of other implementors, so that they can understand if/how/why the design has changed from that. (So far it hasn’t really, but some ideas are percolating about what a better high-level design might look like.)


i for one really appreciate these updates, even if i have a hard time following the type theory concepts. sometimes i feel a lot of accumulated cynicism towards the swift project and it’s encouraging to read these “dev diaries” and watch this feature progress.


Not a whole lot of exciting progress to report over the last few days — mostly doing deeper work in order to set things up correctly. I'll skip the more straightforward fixes and refactoring.

#64403 is a convenience/performance improvement with some foundational notes. An opened element archetype is a local name that we bind to the current element of a type pack as we iterate over it — e.g. if we're in an environment <each T, each U>, and we're emitting a pack expansion over T, then in the pack expansion loop we need to bind a name T' to the element of T at index i. A pack expansion loop can go over multiple packs at once, but only if they're the same shape; in this example, T and U have different shapes. So you can see that we need to represent in the binding environment which pack we're currently expanding; it's logical to do this by storing a reference to a pack parameter that has the right shape. We were doing this by storing a contextual type parameter (a pack archetype), but it turns out that we only ever wanted to work with an abstract type parameter (an interface type), so we were having to map the contextual type "out of context" to an abstract type parameter ever time we wanted to use it, which was annoying and wasteful. And storing a contextual pack parameter is actually foundationally incorrect: these bindings can still exist in contexts where we've substituted a concrete pack for that pack parameter, making the pack parameter no longer meaningful in context. This was only not biting us because (1) we were not applying those substitutions to the pack parameter reference and (2) we were not relying internally on contextual validity because we were always immediately mapping the improperly-contexted type to its abstract interface representation. Anyway, it's fixed now.

#64420 jams a couple of conceptually different changes together, although they're both necessary to make progress on some tests I'm working on.

The larger but probably less interesting change is that I've learned a lot about how I want to do certain kinds of parallel walks in SIL generation, and before I wrote a lot more code to do those walks, I wanted to make them easier to write. So now we've got some nice routines for doing parallel walks on orig/subst tuple types and parameter lists. Not sure I can really expand on that without going super-deep into how we do a bunch of things in SILGen.

The more interesting change (and one that conveniently builds on concepts I've already covered) is to a function we have that takes a type expressed in terms of pack archetypes and rewrites it to be expressed in terms of opened element archetypes. So, for example, if you have repeat Optional<Array<each T> (the type of a pack, maybe), this is the function you want to use to rewrite it to Optional<Array<T'>> (the type of a specific element of that pack, for a specific loop). The way this function was working was that it mapped the type out of context, rewrote the abstract pack parameters into abstract opened-element parameters (this is how we formalize these openings, almost as if the pack-expansion loop was a generic function that we were "calling" with the current pack element), and then mapped that into the context of the opened-element environment. This is a little inefficient (an extra intermediate representation), but it has a much deeper problem than that. These transformations are meant for something like a broad contextual replacement, like passing T := Int as a generic argument, in which case you of course want to replace all references to T in a type. But pack expansion is more localized: you can have nested pack expansions in a type, and any particular pack expansion only applies in its little slice of the type expression that falls outside of any other expansion. So the operation just can't use those routines and has to be built from scratch as a generic recursive transform. Fortunately, the more difficult cases that general type substitution has to deal with should all be impossible by construction for the very specific transformation we want to do here.

(I had some other reasons to do this rewrite, but actually I think they could have been achieved just fine with subst. For example, I needed the transformation to work on the lowered types we use in SIL, which subst doesn't permit by default because lowered types generally require special substitution logic; but there's already a way to tell subst that a specific substitution is okay to do on lowered types, and we could certainly have used it here. But the nested expansion problem is hard to get around.)


A few interesting things to catch this thread up on.

The first thrust is that I've done a lot of work on reabstraction, which is to say, transformation of values (mostly functions) that were built under one unsubstituted pattern so that they can be used under a different pattern. This is a more difficult problem with variadic generics because variadic generics can change arities, and arity is one of the main things that abstraction patterns are sensitive to. In fact, there are going to be cases that simply aren't implementable under our current ABI: put broadly, we cannot support variadic-arity functions as type arguments. That's worthy of a longer explanation.

Swift generally stores function values using the optimal calling convention for the generic context they appear in: for example, a (T, Int) -> Bool passes the first argument indirectly (as a pointer to a T value), passes the second argument directly (probably in a register), and returns the result directly (in a register). If you pass a function value between contexts that need different conventions, we'll actually rewrite it; we call that "reabstraction". We do this kind of rewrite when you pass values of these types directly (or wrapped in Optional, which we treat as a special case), but we don't do it when you use function types as arbitrary generic arguments to generic types like Array. That's because doing the rewrite on arbitrary generic types would be much more expensive, complex, invasive, and problematic. To rewrite a Pair<X,Y> type, we'd just have to rewrite the individual stored properties. To rewrite an Array, we'd have to allocate a new array and rewrite all the elements, which the Array implementation would have to be involved in. To rewrite a class object — well, there's actually just no way to do this without breaking semantics.

If we can't rely on rewriting arbitrary generic types like that, how is it possible to use an [(Int, Int) -> Bool] from contexts that expect [T] or [(T, T) -> Bool] or [(T, Int) -> Bool]? The answer is that we treat the generic type like its own context, and the declarations dictate an abstraction pattern and therefore a particular set of conventions. In particular, whenever Array receives or produces an element value, it does it opaquely, using its unrestricted type parameter Element; for example, the getter of Array.subscript returns Element. If we're using that subscript from a context that knows that Element is (T, Int) -> Bool, we know that the original declared return type doesn't have any function structure. So we assume that the return value will be produced using the appropriate conventions for a totally opaque function value (more on this in a second), and we need to rewrite that value to use the expected conventions for our only-partially-opaque type (T, Int) -> Bool. (Ideally, we'd see that we just use the return value in some way that doesn't require us to rewrite it. But in the worst case, we have to do this rewrite.)

What are the appropriate conventions for a totally opaque function value? Swift relies on being able to derive a "most general" abstraction pattern for any particular type. For the function type (Int, Int) -> Bool, the most general abstraction pattern we use is <T,U,V> (T, U) -> V. We call this the most general abstraction pattern because we assume that all possible generalizations of the original type (other than the fully-opaque generalization <T> T) are specializations of it. In particular, we assume that (1) nothing that isn't a specialization of this pattern can substitute to the original type and (2) everything that's looking at a specialization of this pattern will derive the same most general abstraction pattern from it. As a result, we know that any context which knows that the opaque type is actually a function type will agree on the most general abstraction pattern of the function type and thus also agree on the conventions that the function type stored under that pattern will use. They can then rewrite the value from those conventions to their locally-preferred conventions as they see fit.

Unfortunately, variadic generics mess this up on two levels. The first is that the "most general" abstraction pattern we chose before is no longer actually the most general possible; for example, <each T> (repeat each T) -> Bool is a possible generalization of (Int, Int) -> Bool but is not a specialization of <T,U,V> (T, U) -> V. It's tempting to try to solve this problem narrowly by adjusting the algorithm for selecting the most general abstraction pattern to respect the existence of pack parameters; then the most general pattern for this function would be <each T, U> (repeat each T) -> U. Unfortunately, the combination of parameter ownership and empty packs makes it impossible to do this; for example, the type <each T, each U> (repeat each T, repeat inout each U, Int, Int) -> Bool is a possible generalization of (Int, Int) -> Bool that is not a specialization of <each T, U> (repeat each T) -> U. (We don't currently support inout parameter packs, but that's likely to be a temporary restriction.) There are function conventions that can generalize all possible functions, but they cannot be expressed as a generalized function type — functions would have to take an array of pointers to the concrete parameters and decompose that array dynamically according to the actual dynamic pack sizes. And switching to that (or any other new convention) as the most-general abstraction pattern (or any other change to the pattern) would be a pervasive ABI break and cannot be done on our target platforms with ABI stability.

So we're not going to be able to allow function values with pack expansions in their parameter lists to be abstracted in and out of totally opaque contexts. You'll have to wrap them in structs or something else that establishes a concrete abstraction pattern for the function. We'll need to work that into the proposal.

On an implementation level, reabstraction also posed a surprising problem for my nice routines for doing parallel walks on orig/subst tuples and parameter lists. It turns out that they were unfortunately limited by the fact that I'd written them as higher-order functions. The reabstraction machinery really wants to simultaneously abstract out of one pattern and into another, and the problem with that is that it's a parallel walk across two different combinations of orig/subst types. You can't do parallel walks with higher-order functions: there's an inversion-of-control problem. So I had to rework my routines to present themselves as generators, which also solved a different annoyance I had about how verbose my callbacks were.

I rewrote how we did pack substitution. It might be easiest to just link to the PR for this one.

The latest interesting conceptual issue is vanishing tuples. It turns out that variadic pack expansion can naturally create singleton tuples. This is actually a pretty serious annoyance when working with singleton packs, which for some APIs can be really common, so we'd prefer to flatten those singleton tuples to their underlying element type; that's what I'm calling a vanishing tuple. This means that e.g. a function that returns (repeat each T) will actually just return Int if T is a pack with one element. But that causes some problems for type and expression lowering because we do all these walks over tuple patterns, and suddenly it's possible to have a tuple pattern without having a substituted tuple type. (And even if you do have a substituted tuple type, you might need to ignore it — maybe the singleton element type was a nested tuple.) Fortunately, I already did all this abstraction to use generic tuple-element traversals, and it's really easy to update it to recognize vanishing tuples; now we've just got a few places where we do unnecessary casts or otherwise pay too much attention to the substituted type. There was even one place that was doing a whole parallel walk that turned out to be unnecessary — we should always have been doing that computation by just considering the orig type.

Next up: more reabstraction.