[SHORT Review] SE-0132: Rationalizing Sequence end-operation names

   surface area and leverages the user's understanding of how ranges


   It also implies we can replace




  for Collections.

I'm not enamored of this suggestion. It succeeds in reducing API surface
area, but at a severe cost to readability. You'd replace an unambiguous
phrase (removing prefix or suffix), the meaning of which is further
clarified by the consistent usage proposed in SE-0132, with a wordless
spelling using some combination of [$+.<]. Cognitively, also, it
substantially increases the burden for the reader: it replaces a single
argument with a nested series of arguments; first, one must understand the
meaning of the $ placeholder, then one must consider an addition or
subtraction operation, then the formation of a range, and in the last
example, the use of that range as a subscript argument--again, all
wordlessly. Finally, subscripts have so far not been "forgiving," while
today's `dropLast` very much is; this suggestion would add inconsistency by
using a subscript for a forgiving or "lenient" operation.

I second Xiaodi. I am against the slicing subscripts and the ones above
look even more unreadable and inscrutable than those in the proposal. I
don't understand the rational.

The inspiration is D: D Slices - D Programming Language

Neat. However, $+n and $-n remain problematic for me, one additional reason
being that these suggest indices move themselves, which they no longer do
in Swift 3. Of course, we could (and, in fact, we would have to) say that
$+n is short for `x.index(x.startIndex, offsetBy: n)`, but that'd be a
pretty big contortion for the + operator.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 2:01 AM, Daniel Duan <daniel@duan.org> wrote:

On Jul 25, 2016, at 11:32 PM, David Hart via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
On 26 Jul 2016, at 06:50, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

swift-evolution mailing list

Whoops, hit reply too soon. Please consider the following inserted in the
gap in my last email:

2. We're not comfortable with heavily overloading a property with a bunch

of methods, and didn't want to make `first` and `last` into methods.

I am okay with this overload precisely *because* the functionality is so

3. Most APIs work fine, but `hasFirst(_:)` is atrocious, and we see no

better alternative which includes the word `first`.

Agreed. Both `starts(with:)` or `hasPrefix(_:)` are much better, and I
would be happy with either.

…and I seem to have cut off a sentence at the end of my last email:

Something like `prefix(limit: n)` is more descriptive than the bare
`prefix(n)` form, however in my view it still falls short of clarity
achieved by `first(n)`.



On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky < nevin.brackettrozinsky@gmail.com> wrote:

* We considered using `first` and `last` as the basis for both

   single-element and multiple-element operations (such that `prefix(3)`
   would become `first(3)`, etc.), but:

   1. These seemed like distinct functionalities, particularly since

      their types are different.

I think the functionality of “Please give me the first 1 element” is
extremely similar to “Please give me the first n elements”.

Keeping those issues in mind, do you still prefer `first(n)` over


In my subjective opinion, `.first`, `.first(n)`, and `starts(with: [1, 2,
3])` are crystal-clear at the use site, and coexist just fine.
Additionally, `hasPrefix([1, 2, 3])` is equally clear and I would be fine
with that—in particular I am fine with the “get” and “test” methods using
different words.

By contrast, I find `prefix(n)` to be unclear about the role of `n`.
Something like `prefix(limit: n)`

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon < > brent@architechies.com> wrote:

> On Jul 26, 2016, at 8:30 AM, Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky < >> nevin.brackettrozinsky@gmail.com> wrote:
> However, I believe that `first(n)` and `last(n)` read more clearly at
the point of use than `prefix(n)` and `suffix(n)`.

I've seen this a couple of times. It's something I bring up in "Other

> * We considered using `first` and `last` as the basis for both
> single-element and multiple-element operations (such that `prefix(3)`
> would become `first(3)`, etc.), but:
> 1. These seemed like distinct functionalities, particularly since
> their types are different.
> 2. We're not comfortable with heavily overloading a property with a
> bunch of methods, and didn't want to make `first` and `last` into
> methods.
> 3. Most APIs work fine, but `hasFirst(_:)` is atrocious, and we see
> no better alternative which includes the word `first`.

To give you an idea of what I mean by #3:

        if numbers.hasFirst([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) && numbers.hasLast([5, 4, 3,
2, 1]) { … }

Keeping those issues in mind, do you still prefer `first(n)` over

Brent Royal-Gordon

the single word “first” only means one element,
but “prefix” can means multiple element.

I dispute the former claim. As evidence I cite:

• The first four letters of the alphabet are A, B, C, and D.
• The first three Presidents of the United States were George Washington,
John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.
• The first two humans to walk on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Buzz

The defense rests.



On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 6:58 PM, Boris Wang <kona.ming@gmail.com> wrote:

Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org>于2016年7月27日

> On Jul 26, 2016, at 8:30 AM, Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky < >> nevin.brackettrozinsky@gmail.com> wrote:
> However, I believe that `first(n)` and `last(n)` read more clearly at
the point of use than `prefix(n)` and `suffix(n)`.

I've seen this a couple of times. It's something I bring up in "Other

> * We considered using `first` and `last` as the basis for both
> single-element and multiple-element operations (such that `prefix(3)`
> would become `first(3)`, etc.), but:
> 1. These seemed like distinct functionalities, particularly since
> their types are different.
> 2. We're not comfortable with heavily overloading a property with a
> bunch of methods, and didn't want to make `first` and `last` into
> methods.
> 3. Most APIs work fine, but `hasFirst(_:)` is atrocious, and we see
> no better alternative which includes the word `first`.

To give you an idea of what I mean by #3:

        if numbers.hasFirst([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) && numbers.hasLast([5, 4, 3,
2, 1]) { … }

Keeping those issues in mind, do you still prefer `first(n)` over

Brent Royal-Gordon

swift-evolution mailing list

This would also conflict with one of the following:

1. Allowing `$` for the Dollar library.


2. Reserving `$` for the debugger.


(The latter "test and merge" is failing for some reason).

-- Ben


On 26 Jul 2016, at 16:15, Dave Abrahams wrote:

b. they are given a recognizable domain-specific notation such as:


Does $ represent the start, the end, or either one depending on which
side of the range we're on? Because if it's the third option, I think
these two operations are actually inverted: the first is removing
everything *except* the `prefix(n)`, and the second is removing
everything except the `suffix(n)`.

Wow, that was impressive! With one stroke, you have just convinced me
that we can't do this. The fact that I got it wrong, along with other
excellent feedback in this thread, kills my interest in using $ in this

I'm working on an implementation (so far I just have `dropFirst` renamed, but I've only spent about half an hour on it, mostly waiting for tests), but the diff isn't really going to tell you much.

Now finished: [Do not pull] [stdlib] SE-0132 renamings by beccadax · Pull Request #3793 · apple/swift · GitHub

The diff shows a lot of lines touched, but that's mainly unrelated documentation—it turns out an awful lot of examples use `index(of:)`!—and tests.

Nice work! Thanks for putting this together. Very helpful.


On Jul 27, 2016, at 5:58 AM, Brent Royal-Gordon <brent@architechies.com> wrote:

On Jul 26, 2016, at 5:45 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon <brent@architechies.com> wrote:

Brent Royal-Gordon

We should consider SE-0111.
The label of parameter is not part of function signature anymore.

What are you driving at?

Per SE–0111
a function’s argument labels are no longer part of the function’s *type*,
whereas per SE–0021
they *are* part of its *name*. The whole discussion in this thread has been
about *naming*, so I don’t see the relevance of bringing up SE–0111.

Just a quick peek, what's your first impression for


Opt 1: the first element, who's value == n
Opt 2: the elements, who's index less than n


It is asking for, quite specifically, the first n elements.



On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 7:56 PM, Boris Wang via swift-evolution < swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Ben Rimmington via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org>于2016年7月27日

> On 26 Jul 2016, at 16:15, Dave Abrahams wrote:
>>> b. they are given a recognizable domain-specific notation such as:
>>> x.removeSubrange($+n..<)
>>> x.removeSubrange(..<$-n)
>> Does $ represent the start, the end, or either one depending on which
>> side of the range we're on? Because if it's the third option, I think
>> these two operations are actually inverted: the first is removing
>> everything *except* the `prefix(n)`, and the second is removing
>> everything except the `suffix(n)`.
> Wow, that was impressive! With one stroke, you have just convinced me
> that we can't do this. The fact that I got it wrong, along with other
> excellent feedback in this thread, kills my interest in using $ in this
> way.

This would also conflict with one of the following:

1. Allowing `$` for the Dollar library.


2. Reserving `$` for the debugger.


(The latter "test and merge" is failing for some reason).

-- Ben

swift-evolution mailing list

swift-evolution mailing list

We should consider SE-0111.
The label of parameter is not part of function signature anymore.

Just a quick peek, what's your first impression for


Opt 1: the first element, who's value == n
Opt 2: the elements, who's index less than n

Ben Rimmington via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org>于2016年7月27日


> On 26 Jul 2016, at 16:15, Dave Abrahams wrote:
>>> b. they are given a recognizable domain-specific notation such as:
>>> x.removeSubrange($+n..<)
>>> x.removeSubrange(..<$-n)
>> Does $ represent the start, the end, or either one depending on which
>> side of the range we're on? Because if it's the third option, I think
>> these two operations are actually inverted: the first is removing
>> everything *except* the `prefix(n)`, and the second is removing
>> everything except the `suffix(n)`.
> Wow, that was impressive! With one stroke, you have just convinced me
> that we can't do this. The fact that I got it wrong, along with other
> excellent feedback in this thread, kills my interest in using $ in this
> way.

This would also conflict with one of the following:

1. Allowing `$` for the Dollar library.


2. Reserving `$` for the debugger.


(The latter "test and merge" is failing for some reason).

-- Ben

swift-evolution mailing list