easy way to encode/decode to/from dictionary (or array) representation (in addition to Data). Also consider adding encoding/decoding directly to/from string.
opt-in's for not including default values during json encoding and a symmetrical opt-in for allowing absent values for variables that have default values during json decoding. example implementation
optional emitting explicit nils in json encoder. link
a way to decode JSON from data where Data contains something else after JSON (can be another json, or a separator, or something totally different. {"foo":"bar"} {"baz" : "qux"} ...
this API will return me how many bytes are used, so I can continue parsing Data from offset, e.g. calling decoder another time.
allowsJSON5 for JSONEncoder (it's already supported for JSONDecoder).
more easy customization, e.g.:
// straw man syntax:
struct Foo: Codable {
var id: Int // normal case
@json(excluded) var bar: Int = 42 // not in json
@json(excluded, default: 42) var bar: Int // or this if easier
@json(renamed: "hello") var baz: Int // renamed