Sendable conformance bug?

This is intentional—most warnings about Sendable were backed out because they are too noisy:

You should re-enable the warnings explicitly if you want them:

If you compile your test example with -warn-concurrency enabled, you will be warned that Car does not conform to Sendable, as expected.

To check it out, I put your reduced example from the GitHub bug in a file named “test.swift”, and on the command line I ran:

swiftc test.swift
# No diagnostic output, compiles as expected

swiftc -Xfrontend -warn-concurrency test.swift 
test.swift:10:19: warning: type 'Car' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
let s: Sendable = car
test.swift:2:7: note: class 'Car' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
class Car {