SE-0358: Primary Associated Types in the Standard Library

(Edit: I added some extra detail at the top.)

The number of constraining cases in the defining library is, from my experience, a good indication of similar use outside of it. For the specific case of Strideable, a quick search of public repositories on GitHub readily uncovers a number of cases that would benefit from the more readable constraint syntax:

// Current code:
    public init<V>(
      value: Binding<V>, 
      step: V.Stride = 1, 
      onEditingChanged: @escaping (Bool) -> Void = { _ in }, 
      @ViewBuilder label: () -> Label
    ) where V: Strideable {...}
// Proposed option:
    public init(
      value: Binding<Stride<Int>>, 
      step: Int = 1, 
      onEditingChanged: @escaping (Bool) -> Void = { _ in }, 
      @ViewBuilder label: () -> Label
    ) {...}
// Current code:
extension BidirectionalCollection 
where Index: Strideable, Iterator.Element: Comparable, Index.Stride == Int {...}
// Proposed option:
extension BidirectionalCollection 
where Index: Strideable<Int>, Iterator.Element: Comparable {...}
// Current code:
public func +--><Bound:Strideable>(lhs: Bound, rhs: Bound) -> Range<Bound> 
where Bound.Stride == Bound {
// Proposed option:
public func +--><Bound: Strideable<Bound>>(lhs: Bound, rhs: Bound) -> Range<Bound> {
// Current code:
extension TotallyOrderedSet where Element:Strideable, Element.Stride:SignedInteger {
// Proposed option: (assuming future work in this area)
extension TotallyOrderedSet<Strideable<SignedInteger>> {
// Current code:
public struct Real<T> : RealNumber where T:Strideable, T.Stride == T {
// Proposed option: (assuming future work in this area)
public struct Real<T: Strideable<T>> : RealNumber {

How many more of these examples do we need?

The new lightweight constraint syntax is, as explicitly stated, intended to (1)
make "generic programming in Swift feel more natural and approachable" by providing a less scary alternative to classic where clauses, and (2) to enable new features that weren't previously possible (namely, constraining opaque result types (SE-0346) and existential types (SE-0353)).

These goals are dependent on protocol authors adding the necessary primary associated types, starting with the Standard Library. I don't think it would be right for the API guidelines to second guess these goals by artificially restricting the new lightweight constraint syntax to a small subset of standard protocols or by discouraging their general use.

I do believe that for many people, T: FloatingPoint & Strideable<T> is going to be easier to read/understand than T: FloatingPoint & Strideable where T.Stride == T. To me, this alone is reason enough to support this syntactic variant.

I feel that your objection here is, at its core, a critique of Strideable itself, rather than the idea of giving it a primary annotation. I do agree with this assessment. I consider Strideable to have largely been an API design miss -- exactly because it's so impractical to define extensions on it without running into (mostly unresolvable) problems with e.g. handling overflow situations.

In addition, I do not think it would be overly difficult to deal with Strideable not providing a primary associated type. This is a protocol of marginal use. Will being able to type Stridable<Int> rather than <S: Strideable> where S.Stride == Int really make a difference either way? I sincerely doubt it.

However, here is my problem: how can we reasonably define what constitutes a useful enough primary associated type without inviting these sorts of subjective discussions every single time we consider a new protocol?

If we started fixing Strideable's flaws, then at exactly what point would it become an extensible enough protocol to gain a primary associated type? Would allowing a non-trapping overflow path on distance/advanced(by:) be enough? Do we need to expose a cleaned-up version of _step, too? Or is the concept of strideability somehow inherently incompatible with the shorthand constraint syntax?

What happens when someone complains that their preferred shorthand syntax doesn't work for Strideable, and supplies a good use case? Do we fire up a new Swift Evolution proposal every time that happens? Wouldn't it be more productive to shortcut subjective discussions about usefulness by encouraging protocols to gain primary types as long as the choice of which associated type to mark as primary is obvious?

I honestly don't see how we can draw a clearly defined API design line between Identifiable<ID>, RawRepresentable<RawValue> on one side and Strideable<Stride> on the other. The associated types in all three of these protocols are absolutely core to their existence, and so far I did not come across an objective reason not to give Strideable its obvious primary.

The heuristic you proposed earlier was to look at the type arguments of generic types that conform to the protocol. This does not help distinguish between these three cases.

All the shorthand notation does is that it provides an alternative way to spell generic constraints. It doesn't make it easier to implement such extensions, but it does make them superficially easier to read -- as long as the role of the type name within angle brackets is clear, which (I believe) is obviously true for Strideable<some FloatingPoint>. Where exactly is the harm in that?

Should we just err on the other side and restrict primary associated types to Element types on container/stream protocols? That would hamstring this language feature, but it would certainly make the API guidelines easier.