SE-0354: Regex Literals

I would like to expand a bit more on the possibilities opened up by the magic literal solution:

We can have a local contextual scope for the arguments of the magic literals (generally, not just for #regex). This means that we could have a separate contextual interpretation for the syntax and delimiters of such arguments (parameters).

This way, we can define #regex/…/ to be a shorthand for trailing literals, the same way that map{…} is a shorthand for map( {…} ).

The full syntax would be #regex( /…/ ), and / would keep its meaning everywhere else. This opens the possibility of supporting Perl-style modifier prefixes for the regex literal as well as even additional arguments to select the language variant and behavior of the literal. For example, we would be able to support all the Perl variants noted by @tim1724 such as: #regex(qr{...}) or even #regex(Perl, qr{...}). Privileging #regex with # shorthand would give us #(qr{...}).

This would offer a general extensible foundation to deal with such things and we can add syntactic sugar to the frequently used ones, the same thing that we do with [Int] vs Array<Int>.

On the other hand, a tiny bit of syntactic noise (e.g. #/.../ instead of /.../) might not be such a bad thing. As far as I know, the intent is to discourage the overuse of bare regex literal and a tiny bit of noise may tip the scales in the right direction.

I will address the comments that downplay the extent of the damage to the language caused by adopting the bare /.../ later when/if I can spare some time to do so.