SE-0346: Lightweight same-type requirements for primary associated types

I can't let this passage go unnoticed:

However, duplicating the associated type declaration in this manner is still an error-prone form of code duplication, and it makes the code harder to read. We feel that this use case should not unnecessarily hinder the evolution of the language syntax. The concerns of libraries adopting new language features while remaining compatible with older compilers is not unique to this proposal, and would be best addressed with a third-party pre-processor tool.

(Emphasis mine)

Library authors should not be considered second class citizens. Their concerns ought to be considered just as important as the concerns of the clients of said libraries. Library maintainers are people too; there is a limit to how much pain they are willing to suffer.

Forcing us to reach for preprocessing tools means that we're going to lose basic modern software engineering features, like intelligent code completion / syntax highlighting, structural editing, etc. etc. This will lead to lower quality output.

It will also make library code be even less similar to regular Swift code, making contributions that much more difficult.

(That said, most Swift packages have the option to simply bump their required toolchain version in a minor release, which resolves this pain.)