SE-0317: Async Let

This is interesting! It potentially addresses two concerns I had in the pitch phase:

1. Passing async lets as futures/promises

The answer might look like this:

@Future let thinger = { ... }
someHelper($thinger)  // passes a future; someHelper won’t block on thinger
                      // unless it needs the value

func someHelper(_ thinger: Future<Thinger>) { ... }

2. Mixing “async lets” with manually created child tasks

Here’s a start of a solution to that:

return try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: ??????????) { group in
  for n in 0..<veggieCount {
      group.async {
        CookingTask.veggies(try await chopVegetables(n))
  @Future(group: group) let meat = { await marinateMeat() }  // tying async/future variable to a specific group
  @Future(group: group) let oven = { await preheatOven() }

  // …but wait, how do we get the veggies out?
  // What is the result type of this task group? Hmmmmm.

So not a solution, not quite, but at least a design space for one.

(Not proposing discussion of either of these; just saying that the property wrapper approach opens up future directions in a nice way.)