SE-0314: AsyncStream and AsyncThrowingStream

After talking with @Douglas_Gregor a bit more I think we are in agreement this is a sensible approach here. I will have this updated on the proposal to reflect the following:

public struct AsyncThrowingStream<Element, Failure: Error> {
  public struct Continuation: Sendable {
    public enum Termination {
      case finished(Failure?)
      case cancelled
    /// * See AsyncStream.Continuation.yield(_:) *
    public func yield(_ value: Element)

    /// Resume the task awaiting the next iteration point with a terminal state.
    /// If error is nil, this is a completion with out error. If error is not 
    /// nil, then the error is thrown. Both of these states indicate the 
    /// end of iteration.
    /// - Parameter error: The error to throw or nil to signify termination.
    /// Calling this function more than once is idempotent. All values received
    /// from the iterator after it is finished and after the buffer is exhausted 
    /// are nil.
    public func finish(throwing error: Failure? = nil)

    /// * See AsyncStream.Continuation.onTermination *
    public var onTermination: (@Sendable (Termination) -> Void)? { get nonmutating set }

  /// * See AsyncStream.init *
  public init(
    _ elementType: Element.Type,
    maxBufferedElements limit: Int = .max,
    _ build: (Continuation) -> Void
  ) where Failure == Error