After reading this syntax-directed proposal and the other type-directed proposal (Exploration: Type System Considerations for Actor Proposal) , it seems easier to understand and reason about in the type-directed approach (@sync
and @async
actor types). I don't need to remember more complicated syntax rules (though it may be quite natural from a language designer's perspective), and I'm thrilled that I can use existing POP techniques and other third-party Swift libraries when the actor model is integrated into the language.
In the Alternatives Considered section, the author explains why the syntax-directed approach is preferred:
The proposal treat
as a type modifier similar asinout
, because "it provides a simpler, value-centric model".While I agree that it provides a value-centric model, I don't really think it provides a simpler model. What simplicity means to me is that we address more issues with less rules. The proposal should explain more on why this value-centric model is simpler.
The type of an actor's
can change within nested contexts, such as closures, between@sync
and non-@sync
.It really seems natural to me that if a
actor is captured in an async closure, it will be automatically casted to@async
type. Even this is a new syntax rule that modifies the captured variables behavior in the current language, I don't see strong reason why we should resist this change. -
The design relies heavily on the implicit conversion from
@sync MyActor
.Again this implicit conversion seems natural to me. I don't understand why this should be the reason that we don't choose the type-directed approach. The author should explain WHY this implicit conversion is a bad idea.
actor type is a subtype of the corresponding (non-@sync
) actor type. A non-@sync
actor type conforms toSendable
(it's safe to share it across concurrency domains), but its corresponding@sync
subtype does not conform toSendable
.My question is that: if we allow
actor type safely converts to@async
actor type, does this behavior really means that a@sync
actor type is a subtype of the@async
actor type? I can take a simple example here: we can convertT
in Swift, but does this really meansT
is a subtype ofOptional<T>
? I don't think so.
So I can conclude that the counterarguments that this proposal raised against the type-directed approach (@sync
and @async
actor types) doesn't really hold from my view. I hope the author could add more rational and discuss more on this :)