SE-0304 (3rd review): Structured Concurrency

Yes, and there's some rationale over in that thread about centralizing around async for structured concurrency. Yes, async is an adjective/adverb in English, but Dispatch has set a very strong precedent for using async to initiate new asynchronous work.

We can certainly clean this up.

A task has a single starting point and returns a single value, which might be a value or a thrown error. Any asynchronous calls the task does along the way don't create new tasks, they're just part of the same task.

It could be separated out, but it's only worthwhile if we think there's going to be significant revision. Doing sleep really well requires a type to describe time properly, which we don't yet have and is a big undertaking in and of itself. Yet Task.sleep is an important operation, hence my desire to get it the slightly-uglier name Task.sleep(nanoseconds:) and leave the time-type design (and nicer name Task.sleep(_:) for later.
