Borrowing the with
function from @Erica_Sadun's old pitch (with some hypothetical and explicit self
rebind), combined with the idea I presented above to create a more appealing usage example:
let label = with {
UILabel(frame: someFrame)
update: { [self = $0] in
textAlignment = .center
font = UIFont(name: "DnealianManuscript", size: 72)
text = questionText
numberOfLines = 0
Honestly, this reads extremely good to me.
And yes I know you could also write it like so:
let label = with(
UILabel(frame: someFrame),
update: { [self = $0] in
textAlignment = .center
font = UIFont(name: "DnealianManuscript", size: 72)
text = questionText
numberOfLines = 0
And yes in this example the difference is really minor, but the general feature from my point of view would allow you to split the parameter list into a multi line trailing closure like parameter list at any point, which is by itself a great flexibility to have.