SE-0253: Static callables

I'd like to emphasize some naming difficulties regarding "named call-syntax delegate methods", stated above. Do you have ideas for addressing these difficulties?

This problem doesn't seem to for call-syntax delegate methods ending with ing:

// call func parsing(_ input: String), name is okay
let sexp = parser.parsing("(+ 1 2)")
let sexp = parser("(+ 1 2)")
// call func applying(_ input: Float), not a great name
let prediction = model.applying(2)
let prediction = model(2)

But does exist for methods ending in ed:

// call func parsed(from input: String), name is okay
let sexp = parser.parsed(from: "(+ 1 2)")
let sexp = parser(from: "(+ 1 2)")
// call func applied(to input: Float), name is okay
let prediction = model.applied(to: 2)
let prediction = model(to: 2)

I think ed names sometimes make more sense than ing names.

For example, "function applied to an input" makes sense, but "function applying an input" doesn't. It's more like "user is applying the function to an input".