SE-0253: Callable values of user-defined nominal types

I don't agree that the magic behaviour of methods named + is obvious - as I showed, when you do that, you completely lose the ability to call it as a method (i.e. with MyType.+(lhs: ..., rhs: ...)), and the infix operator syntax is the only way to call it. That's not obvious behaviour. At least this proposal allows you to refer to the call method directly.

Also consider that this behaviour is not limited to +, but is the general behaviour for all operators. Including user-defined operators.

I agree - func () (...) is the name I would prefer. That was my initial suggestion last time, if you want to read the feedback.

I also agree with your review that Swift has a grab-bag of magic syntax features which has become difficult to reason about and teach. For that reason I think it's important that we keep dynamicCallable in mind when discussing this feature, and I basically see two possible ways forward:

  • Either we model this feature on dynamicCallable, and take func call(...) to parallel func dynamicallyCall(args/kwArgs), or
  • We remodel both on them on operators. func () (...) for static callable, and maybe some pseudo-operator like func (*) (args/kwArgs) for dynamic callable.

In any case, I think we can get rid of the type-level attribute. It's extra syntax, and an extra hurdle that I don't think we really need.