SE-0231 — Optional iteration

Without trying to upset this apple cart. Let's simply review the code sample you provided:

for i in maybeHugeRange?.reversed() ?? [] { // doom occurs here
  print(i) // your app will jetsam without ever reaching here

...and consider an alternative method like Rust's unwrap_or. I'll use the simple code sample I provide earlier:

extension Optional {
  func ifSome(orElse: Wrapped) -> Wrapped {
    switch self {
    case .some(let wrapped): return wrapped
    case .none: return orElse

Trying to do this kind of this isn't possible re "Left side of nil coalescing operator '??' has non-optional type '[Int]', so the right side is never used"

for i in maybeHugeRange.ifSome(orElse: 0..<0).reversed() ?? [] {
  print(i) // your app will jetsam without ever reaching here

So maybe I'm missing the obvious here... how exactly does the method end up with the same issue.